Como les contábamos hace unos días, Spotify planea entrar, por fin, a Estados Unidos, cosa que nos resulta interesante porque el país suele ser la puerta de entrada a todo el continente. De acuerdo a un email publicado por TechCrunch, el servicio empieza a funcionar a partir de mañana:

> ———- Forwarded message ———-

> From: Angie Newman
Date: Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 6:44 PM
Subject: Spotify Will Launch in the U.S. Tomorrow
To: Angie Newman
Cc: Alison Bonny

> New York, July 13, 2011 – Spotfy [sic] the award-winning digital music service loved by millions of Europeans, will become available tomorrow morning in the United States by invitation and subscription. Spotify is a new way to listen to and manage your music, discover new tracks and share songs and playlists with friends – music whenever you want it, wherever you are.

> Be one of the first people in the U.S. to experience Spotify by signing up at

> Spotify will announce more details at 8:00 AM EST.

Estaremos leyendo muchísimo al respecto y veremos una inmensa ola de expectativa y hype con la llegada del servicio a Estados Unidos.

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